Green graphic with Hire Me SC logo and illustration of four people marching and holding fists up and flags that read, 'Vote YES s. 533!' People include a person with a leg prosthetic, a child, an adult, and a person in a wheelchair. Text in blue and white reads, 'Ending subminimum wage advances to full committee!' and a quote from Kimberly Tissot that reads, ' When we pass this bill, not only will we create equity, but we will challenge the misconceptions of people with disabilities.'


Thanks to your advocacy, s. 533, the bill to end subminimum wage, has passed the Labor, Commerce, and Industry (LCI) subcommittee unanimously and is now headed to the full LCI committee!

Stay tuned for details and action alerts to call on your SC House representatives to vote YES on s. 533! Together, we can end subminimum wage in South Carolina and ensure that people with disabilities are given opportunities for integrated, competitive employment!

- All of us at Able South Carolina

Group of sc represenatives and advocates with disabilities pose for a photo after subcommittee hearing inside the hearing room.

Able South Carolina
720 Gracern Road Suite 106 | Columbia, South Carolina 29210
803.779.5121 |

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