Blue and white SOS care ad reading, 'Let your voice be heard, housing and support opportunities,' followed by the SOS care logo. Logo uses gray text and has a small blue x/butterfly symbol in the center. smaller gray text under 'sos care' reads, 'autism and intellectual disabilities services.'


Our friends at SOS care have asked for our help! Keep reading to learn about how you can assist by signing up to participate in a learning session and survey for Columbia area people with disabilities that include Autism, Developmental, or Intellectual disabilities.

- All of us at Able South Carolina



SOS Care is seeking feedback to understand the needs and preferences for housing and support

Options accessible for adults with Autism and/or Intellectual / Developmental Disabilities in the Columbia area. Survey data from this process will be shared with local housing leaders, service providers and government entities in order to develop a blueprint for increasing future options. You can participate by watching the learning session and taking the survey when it is released in January 2024.

This learning Session and Survey helps stakeholders understand the benefits and considerations of various residential options while sharing the innovation that is occurring across the country. Topics such as neuro-inclusive design, service delivery models, enabling technology, and supportive amenities are discussed. The presentation includes videos and pictures of examples in order for your survey responses to be more meaningfully informed. A plain-language version of the materials is available to self-advocates as a cognitive accommodation if needed. Thanks for your willingness to participate and please share with others. Please click on the link below if interested in being part of this study.


Able South Carolina
720 Gracern Road Suite 106 | Columbia, South Carolina 29210
803.779.5121 |

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