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Hire Me SC Quarterly Newsletter

People with disabilities can work, want to work, and should be afforded every opportunity to work. Powered by Able SC and the South Carolina Disability Employment Coalition (SCDEC), a coalition formed to eliminate employment barriers for individuals with disabilities, Hire Me SC is a campaign that promotes a culture of inclusion across the state of South Carolina, one in which employment for every individual, disability or not, is the norm rather than the exception.

Image of the first slide in the Palmetto ABLE Savings Program presentation. Shows a group of people in front of the state house including Treasurer Loftis. A blue banner over the photo says Saving for the Future, with the Palmetto ABLE Savings Program logo. In the bottom right corner it says PalmettoABLE.com

The Palmetto ABLE Savings Program

During the Quarterly meeting on March 7, Karen Crider, with the SC Treasurer's Office, presented on the Palmetto ABLE Savings Program. The presentation focused on the program's benefits for individuals with disabilities and their families. Karen shared statistics on the program's growth, emphasized the eligibility criteria for participation, and discussed the features of ABLE accounts.

The federal Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act of 2014 created savings and investment accounts for individuals with disabilities. This allows account owners to save money without impacting eligibility for certain means-tested benefits including SSI and Medicaid. 

Today, ABLE accounts are available in all 50 states. Over 164,000 accounts are open nationally, and over $1.74 billion has been saved. We have over 3,000 accounts open in South Carolina and over $36 million in assets have been saved. 

Check out the PDF version of the PowerPoint to learn more about eligibility, benefits, options for funding an account, and what are considered allowable expenses.  


Task Force on Eliminating Subminimum Wage

The Task Force on Eliminating Subminimum wage, established due to the passing of bill S.533 in May 2022, is continuing its work for the phase out of subminimum wage by August 1, 2024. Valarie Bishop, Executive Director of the South Carolina Developmental Disabilities Council is the Task Force Vice President and shared an update at the SCDEC quarterly meeting on March 7th. 

The Task Force is focusing on what providers and individuals need to make this transition so that individuals can move into the next phase of their employment goals. This includes identifying what direction an individual wants to go if they are not interested in additional employment. Providers heard from several people who said they are not interested in seeking other employment opportunities. Instead, they want to focus on getting involved in the community in other ways. The task force plans to develop a resource guide. It would include fact sheets on employment rights, Social Security benefits, assistive technology, transportation, affordable housing, etc., however, they are hoping to collect additional input from providers and individuals on what resources would be most helpful. 

About 250 individuals in South Carolina are currently being paid subminimum wage, and we have until August to complete the phase-out. You can read more about task force duties in bill S.533. Members include representatives from multiple organizations and state agencies, and individuals with disabilities who were previously or currently paid subminimum wage. They will be meeting monthly through July 2024.

Graphic with photo of a group of individuals with disabilities. They are sitting on a bench, laughing and smiling at one another. Text over yellow, blue, and green arrow shapes reads, 'Disability Benefits and Employment Workshop, Free Benefits Workshop, Friday, May 24 from 1 pm to 3 pm,' with Hire Me SC logo.

Benefits Workshop Updates

With the continued support of funding from Disability Rights South Carolina, we will be hosting 6 workshops in 2024! Our first virtual workshop took place on February 22nd. We had 29 attendees and 10 panelists participate. 

Our first in person workshop of the year will take place on May 24th, from 1:00 PM-3:00 PM at Thrive Upstate in Greenville, SC. This workshop will benefit those transitioning from subminimum wage employment, including beneficiaries, their families, service providers, and support staff.

At the workshop, we will:

  • Break down myths about working while receiving SSI/SSDI.
  • Hear from Thrive Upstate about their success phasing out subminimum wage.
  • Connect you with local service providers.

Contact Hire Me SC for more information on in person workshops, and click on the button below to register for the workshop on May 24! 

Also, don't miss our next virtual workshop on August 13th from 10:00 AM-12:00 PM! Once registration opens for this workshop, it will be posted on the Hire Me SC website.  

Thank you to Disability Rights SC for providing funding to make these workshops possible! 


Hire Me SC
720 Gracern Road Suite 106 | Columbia, South Carolina 29210
803.779.5121 | hiremesc@able-sc.org

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