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Hire Me SC Quarterly Newsletter

People with disabilities can work, want to work, and should be afforded every opportunity to work. Powered by Able SC and the South Carolina Disability Employment Coalition (SCDEC), a coalition formed to eliminate employment barriers for individuals with disabilities, Hire Me SC is a campaign that promotes a culture of inclusion across the state of South Carolina, one in which employment for every individual, disability or not, is the norm rather than the exception.

SC Department of Health and Human Services, Healthy Connections Medicaid logo

The Working Disabled Program

During the Quarterly meeting on December 7, Cynthia Jaynes, with the SC Department of Health and Human Services (SC DHHS), presented on the Working Disabled Program in South Carolina. The presentation focused on eligibility requirements, income limits, and resource limits under the program. Cynthia also gave examples of determining eligibility through calculations outlined in the presentation.

To be eligible for Working Disabled Medicaid coverage, an individual must meet the following eligibility requirements: Under age 65, Disabled (SSI definition), and working. 


Task Force on Eliminating Subminimum Wage

The Task Force on Eliminating Subminimum wage, established due to the passing of bill S.533 in May 2022, is continuing its work for the phase out of subminimum wage by August 1, 2024. Valarie Bishop, Executive Director of the South Carolina Developmental Disabilities Council is the Task Force Vice President and shared an update at the SCDEC quarterly meeting in December. 

The task force has formed subcommittees to address legal protections for individuals, stakeholder impact, evaluation and monitoring, and program and finance. The group worked on a survey for providers to monitor progress and explore investment initiatives and training opportunities. Transportation is the most significant barrier they have looked at, but they will also look into addressing the need for benefits counseling for individuals who have been paid subminimum wage. 

Less than 500 individuals in South Carolina are currently being paid subminimum wage, and we have until August to complete the phase-out. You can read more about task force duties in bill S.533. Members include representatives from multiple organizations and state agencies, and individuals with disabilities who were previously or currently paid subminimum wage. They will be meeting monthly through July 2024.

Photo of participants listening. Photo is focused on Able SC Director of Employment Programs, Marly, a Middle Eastern woman with dark hair using a wheelchair and smiling.
Event Keynote speaker, Keller Kissam, Dominion Energy President. He is a white man wearing a blazer. He stands side hugging an event participant, a Black woman wearing a black blazer. They both are smiling.
Able SC CEO, Kimberly Tissot, shaking hands with Dr. Sharp. Kimberly is a white woman with short blonde hair and glasses using crutches. Dr. Sharp is a black woman with short curly hair.

Highlights from the 2023 Employer Summit 

The 8th annual Employer Summit, scheduled during National Disability Employment Awareness Month, took place on Wednesday, October 18. Registrants attended in person at the Phillips Market Center in West Columbia, and online through the event’s virtual platform. 

The Employer Summit is a one-day conference for business managers, executives, and HR professionals ready to hire and retain a workforce inclusive of people with disabilities. The Employer Summit shows businesses how including individuals with disabilities will strengthen their workforce. The Summit featured Keller Kissam, President of Dominion Energy of South Carolina as our keynote speaker, a presentation from Dr. Jessica Sharp with Sharp Brain Consulting, a panel discussion with South Carolina employers, and an interactive session about making job descriptions more inclusive! 

Thank you again to Dominion Energy for supporting the 2023 Employer Summit, Advancing Access & Equity! 

Graphic with photo of a white disabled person holding a cane while raising their hand. Text over yellow, blue, and green arrow shapes reads, 'Disability Benefits and Employment Workshop, free zoom webinar, February 22 from 10 am to 12 pm,' with Able SC logo.

Benefits Workshop Updates

Don't miss our next virtual workshop on February 22nd! 

In 2023 we hosted four virtual benefits workshops! About 70 people participated in the workshops, including individuals with disabilities, service providers, family members, and caregivers. Two of these workshops were customized for specific audiences; one workshop was for youth with disabilities, and another workshop was for Veterans with disabilities. We collaborated with additional community partners for the youth and Veterans workshops, including Project Search, Equip, Upstate Warrior Solution, and the South Carolina Department of Veterans’ Affairs. 

In each workshop, attendees heard a presentation from the Work Incentives Planning & Assistance (WIPA) Team at Able SC and from Disability Rights SC. The presentations addressed some of the myths about working while receiving SSI/SSDI, how to handle overpayments, and how to access services. Each workshop had a resource fair with service providers to connect individuals with local organizations that can help with their job search. Agencies that participated included the SC Assistive Technology Program, SC Commission for the Blind, SC Vocational Rehabilitation Department, SC Department of Disabilities and Special Needs, SC Works, and SC Department of Mental Health.  

We are excited to announce that with the continued support of funding from Disability Rights South Carolina, we will be hosting 6 workshops in 2024! Two of these workshops will be in person events; we will announce dates and times when they are available. Click on the button below to register for our first virtual workshop of the year, which will take place on February 22nd, from 10:00 AM-12:00 PM. 

Thank you to Disability Rights SC for providing funding to make these workshops possible! 


Hire Me SC
720 Gracern Road Suite 106 | Columbia, South Carolina 29210
803.779.5121 | hiremesc@able-sc.org

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