A golden retriever with an emergency pack in their mouth- a small red back with a white cross on it.


During an emergency, it is important that you have a plan to protect your pets & service animals; they are dependent upon you for survival and a successful outcome. Follow a few simple steps to help your animal companion and/or service animal during times of emergency: 

  • If you need to evacuate your home, so does your pet. Avoid leaving animals behind. 

  • Research beforehand which shelters and hotels in your area accept animal guests. Some accept service animals only. 

  • Include supplies for your animal in your Emergency Preparedness kit (read more about making a basic kit here) or pack a kit specifically for your pet. Below are instructions for packing such a kit. 

Emergency kit for your Pet / Service Animal

Items should be packed in a sturdy, durable container which can be easily carried & is stored in an accessible location in your home. The kit for your pet should include: 

  1. Sturdy leash, harness, and collar 

  1. Pet carrier 

  1. Food, drinking water and bowls to last several days 

  1. Litter and pan (for those with cats) 

  1. Medications & copies of important medical records – make sure to include vaccination records! 

  1. Current photos – this is important in case of an accidental seperation 

  1. A pet bed and toys 

  1. Name and phone number of veterinarian(s) 

To ensure the best outcome for you and your family – including your pet – plan ahead of an emergency. For additional resources visit, SCEMD, Preparing Your Pets for Emergencies or Red Cross, Pet Disaster Preparedness

Source: Red Cross, Pet Disaster Preparedness

Able South Carolina
720 Gracern Road Suite 106 | Columbia, South Carolina 29210
803.779.5121 | advocacy@able-sc.org

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