What is a subvariant of the COVID-19 variant, Omicron? An Omicron subvariant is a version of Omicron that has had a change in its spike protein. These changes can make this version act differently than other versions of Omicron. For example, some Omicron subvariants spread easier than others. (Sources: 5, 7) BA. 4 and BA.5 are subvariants of the Omicron strain of the COVID-19 virus. BA.5 is the subvariant causing most COVID cases in the U.S., today (Sources 1, 11). The Omicron variant was first noticed in South Africa in November 2021. In December 2021the Omicron variant was found in the United States. In early 2022, the BA.2 strain was found. It became the most common and contagious subvariant of Omicron. Today there are new strains, BA.4 and BA.5, that spread even faster (Source 2). Why are BA.4 and BA.5 more contagious? Spike protein how COVID-19 virus attaches to cells and infects you (Source 4, Source 5). The differences in the BA.5’s Spike protein cause it to spread more easily (Source 3). Studies suggest that BA.5 has some resistance to the mRNA vaccines (Source 3). In the U.S., the two mRNA vaccines are Moderna and Pfizer. Scientists are working to make new COVID-19 vaccines that are stronger against the Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 variants. How can I protect myself from getting sick with the Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 variants? BA.4 and BA.5are better at avoiding our current mRNA vaccines than other variants. But it is still important to get and stay up to date with your COVID-19 vaccine. If you are vaccinated and get sick with a variant or subvariant of COVID-19 you are: -
less likely to get very sick -
less likely to get so sick, you need to go to the hospital -
less likely to die from COVID-19 The CDC studies COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, deaths, and the vaccination status of people who get COVID. Even though anyone can get the BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants, unvaccinated people are still more likely to: -
Get very sick -
Die from COVID-19 Compared to people who have been vaccinated (Source 6). |
Dr. Gregory Poland, head of the Mayo Clinic’s vaccine research group, says: People who are vaccinated, vaccinated and boosted, or people who have had a COVID infection, can still get Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants. That's because it is so contagious. However, if you are vaccinated, you are more protected against: -
Being hospitalized with COVID. -
Being put on a ventilator because of your COVID infection. -
Dying from your COVID infection. (Source 7). |
Other things that you can do to keep yourself safe from the Omicron BA.4/5 variants: -
Keep following CDC-recommended guidance: -
Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer often -
Practice social distancing indoors or at crowded outdoor events -
Wear a quality mask (Source 8). Learn more about quality masks here. |