Advocacy Day for Access & Independence · April 1, 2020 · LIVESTREAM
UPDATE: As we receive updates on the spread of COVID-19, we are rethinking our annual Advocacy Day for Access & Independence. It will be held entirely virtually on the scheduled date of April 1, 2020. Advocacy Day isn’t possible without the participation of the community, which is why we are excited to expand our reach digitally with people all across the state and nation!
Advocacy Day for Access & Independence is the only event in South Carolina that's breaking down barriers for ALL South Carolinians with disabilities. Since its inaugural gathering in May 2014, support has grown to 25 organizations statewide all unified in an effort to ensure people with disabilities have equal access and opportunity. People with disabilities face unnecessary and discriminatory barriers to transportation, employment, and public access. Advocacy Day for Access and Independence will shine a light on these barriers in hopes of improving the lives of all South Carolinians.
Because this event is now a livestream, registration is not required.
Facebook Livestream
10:00 AM EDT
, SC
How will a virtual event work?
Taking Advocacy Day for Access and Independence online is a huge opportunity to build the disability rights movement in South Carolina and reach an audience larger than ever before. We will be live-streaming Advocacy Day virtually through Facebook and YouTube, where participants can watch, leave comments, and start live conversations. State legislators and officials as well as activists from the disability community will be speaking about the barriers that South Carolinians with disabilities regularly face and the ways we can fix them. Viewers will also be walked through the process of contacting their representatives about the issues that matter to them, and they will be provided with powerful tools to make collective action easier than ever before.
As always, Able South Carolina is committed to making all of our programming fully accessible for all people, with and without disabilities. This virtual gathering will be a model of online accessibility and accommodations. CART live-captioning services and American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters will be available to all viewers throughout the event. Should anyone have any additional accommodations requests or concerns, we encourage them to contact us by calling 803.779.5121 or emailing advocacy@able-sc.org. Thanks to new innovations in technology, we are able to connect easier than ever with one another online. This is especially important for people with disabilities, who have access to virtual spaces, conversations, and opportunities like never before. We hope that through this virtual event and the many others happening during this time, people’s perspectives begin to shift about what accessibility and accommodations look like. They benefit everyone, and are much easier to use than one might think. To stay tuned, follow our SC Access and Independence Network and Able South Carolina Facebook pages.
We challenge you to share a video or picture about what a #BarrierFreeSC means to you!
To Robbie (view his video here), it means disability leadership, competitive employment, and FULL community participation. What does it mean to you?
Take a video or share a picture with #BarrierFreeSC and tag us in it to be featured! 🔓
Able South Carolina
AG Bell South Carolina
Association of Programs for Rural Independent Living
Beginnings South Carolina
Brain Injury Association of South Carolina
Colleton County Disabilities and Special Needs (DSN) Board
Columbia Mayor’s Committee on Employment for People with Disabilities
Family Connection of SC
Greater Carolinas Chapter of the National MS Society
Greenville CAN
International Sacral Agencies / Caudal Regressive Association (iSACRA)
National Federation of the Blind of SC
Our Voices Count Too
Palmetto Animal Assisted Life Services
Protection & Advocacy for People with Disabilities
SC Assistive Technology Program
SC Association of the Deaf
SC Association of People Supporting Employment First (APSE)
SC Client Assistance Program
SC Commission for the Blind
SC Developmental Disabilities Council
SC Spinal Cord Injury Association
SC Statewide Independent Living Council
SC Vocational Rehabilitation Department
University of South Carolina School of Medicine
Walton Options for Independent Living
Need assistance? Contact Advocacy@able-sc.org
Need assistance? Contact advocacy@able-sc.org
Need assistance? Contact advocacy@able-sc.org
We sincerely appreciate your participation in this year's Advocacy Day for Access & Independence! For details about event parking, download this file. We're sending you an email confirmation for your registration now, and we'll see you on the big day!!
Visit unlockingbarriers-sc.org to learn more about Advocacy Day for Access & Independence
Need assistance? Contact advocacy@able-sc.org